Minggu, 24 Maret 2013


  In the morning everyone has done each activity, likewise i do activities lecture, around the clock 07.30am i went to campus, while on a trip around my house i got disaster, i grazed a child but it's not entirely my fault.
       Because at the moment i was riding a motorcycle slowly the child suddenly crossed by motorcycle, i did not realize that i was thrown, i went up to the child and scolded, but there was a gentlemen told me and the boy peacefully, i went straight away because i was in a hurry no religious UTS. upon arrival on campus all my body felt the pain, and i hold felt sick. was time to go home journey with heavy rain, and slippery roads suddenly i fell when i went to moved the road to the right, because the road is not regular and a slick tire fell again.
       The second time i fell, i was crying all the way to the house, i think like a fool fell 2 times, of the incident i was traumatized and no longer uses the motorcycle and pass that way again.

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